As we all age, our organs that we use every day deteriorate, including our tooth health problems, which are under stress from biting, chewing, grinding, and speaking. Teeth are like other organs that need gentle love and true care to stay strong and healthy.
Although teeth look similar to bone, they are different from bone because when they break, they cannot repair themselves like bone can by forming callus. Another difference between teeth and bone is that teeth do not have marrow, but instead have a dental pulp.
The components of teeth include:
- Enamel : Enamel is the hardest tissue in the human body, located on the outermost layer of the tooth. It helps protect against wear and tear from daily use and against bacteria that cause tooth decay.
- Dentin: Dentin is the layer beneath the enamel, but it is less strong. Without the protection of enamel, dentin is more susceptible to teeth decay.
- Cementum: Cementum is the tissue that covers the teeth root and holds the tooth in place in the jaw.
- Pulp: The pulp is located at the innermost part of the teeth and contains blood vessels, UFABET, nerves, and tissue.
Common tooth problems include:
Teeth grinding : This problem gradually wears away the enamel layer of your teeth, making them more susceptible to damage.
Tooth decay : This condition occurs when bacteria destroy the outermost layer of tooth enamel.
Impacted teeth: It is a tooth that grows abnormally from normal teeth. It is upright, partially tilted, fallen horizontally, or embedded in the jawbone. Everyone can grow a teeth, but it may grow or be embedd under the jawbone. Impacted teeth come up later than the other teeth so there is no space for them to grow. There are 4 impact teeth in total: the last molars on the upper left. And right and the last molars on the lower left and right. Which are located at the very back of the lower jawbone. The first impacted tooth will erupt at the age of 18-25. The disadvantage of this type of teeth is that it is difficult to clean.
Tooth sensitivity: Tooth sensitivity, toothache cause by damage to the surface of the tooth or gums, can be cause by many reasons. It may be due to incorrect teeth brushing, such as using a hard toothbrush or brushing too hard, which can cause the gums to recede and the teeth to wear near the gum line, which is a major cause of tooth sensitivity.
Injuries to the teeth: Injuries can occur from sports or accidents, and can sometimes cause the tooth to chip or break.
Teeth Discoloration: Foods, drinks, medications, and other factors can cause teeth to discolor.
Misalignment of teeth: Problems with misalignment of teeth include crooked teeth, rotated teeth, spaced teeth, and teeth that are too close together. These problems can have a negative impact on oral health.
Tooth abscess: Tooth abscess occurs when there is a bacterial infection in the pulp of the tooth.
Gum disease: Problems with Gum Disease The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. Which is the only stage that can be revers. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to serious gum deformity. Gingivitis is cause by poor oral health. Which leads to a build-up of plaque along the gum line and between the teeth.
By brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, including oral health check-ups, it also involves eating a healthy diet appropriately so that plaque does not stick to your teeth and gums. Try to avoid snacks with too much sugar, tea, coffee, and alcoholic beverages. In addition, you must observe for any abnormalities in your mouth. If any abnormalities occur, they can be correct and treat in time.